Nausea and abdominal discomfort after eating are common symptoms in daily life. These symptoms can be cause by a number of reasons. Since severe acid reflux disease to exposure to low quality or toxic food Many people face this problem without knowing the real cause. As a result, they are unable to find appropriate ways to manage and treat such symptoms.
Distinguishing between nausea after eating What is the cause? During GERD or food poisoning It is important to lead to the correct solution. Knowledge about GERD and the signs of food poisoning along with understanding the differences between the two symptoms This will help you easily the cause and find appropriate treatment methods.

Nausea after eating can occur for many reasons as follows:
Stress: Nausea after eating can be cause by problems with your mental state or an unstable emotional state, especially stress and anxiety. This is cause by unbalanc hormone levels that are releas when the body is stress. Until affecting the functioning of the digestive system And may cause nausea after eating.
Acid reflux: acid reflux It is a health problem that bothers many people. And it may also be another cause of nausea after eating. It occurs when acid from the stomach flows back up into the esophagus. This causes heartburn and nausea as a result. This can often occur after eating very spicy food. Foods that are high in fat or a big meal.
Irritable bowel syndrome: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can result in the digestive system not being able to function at its full potential. When the digestive system works more slowly than usual, it causes feces to accumulate in the intestines. Until causing nausea after eating food along with abdominal pain, bloating, and abnormal bowel habits.
Eating too much food: Eating more food than the body needs Especially eating food such as buffets and foods that are high in fat. It is one of the reasons that often cause nausea after eating. This can cause symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and nausea. In addition, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, eating large meals after fasting for a long time or lying down immediately after eating It may also cause nausea.
Food allergies: Nausea after eating may be caused by an allergy to certain foods , such as seafood , certain types of nuts, cow’s milk, or beverages containing caffeine. Some people may experience only mild nausea or stomach discomfort. But in some people it may cause other serious symptoms that are dangerous, such as a rash and hives. Swelling in the face, lips, tongue, or throat, as well as tightness in the chest. and difficulty breathing as well.
Food poisoning: The symptoms of nausea after eating may be cause by, Food poisoning can also occur, which is usually cause by eating food contaminat with germs, such as semi-cook or raw food. Food that has unclean cooking methods Including food that has expired or is easily perishable, such as food that contains coconut milk. or food that has been at room temperature for a long time Food poisoning often causes nausea along with food, stomach pain and diarrhea.
This applies to young children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. There may be a higher risk of food poisoning than the general population.
Viral or bacterial infectionL: Another reason that can cause nausea is after eating food. It is an infection with certain types of viruses or bacteria, such as Norovirus infection. Viral or bacterial infections often cause nausea within 24–48 hours after eating. And often include vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and pain. Muscle, joint, or fever symptoms are also present.